What is meant by physical fitness? Understanding Physical Fitness is the body's ability to perform various activities well without experiencing significant fatigue. And after carrying out activities optimally, the body still has reserves of energy to be able to do other activities.
In general, physical fitness or physical fitness can be classified into two parts, namely:
Healthy, which is a condition where the body (physical and psychological) is free from all diseases.
Fit, a condition where the body is able to perform a variety of daily activities optimally without excessive fatigue, and still has reserves of energy.
Physical Fitness According to Experts
In order to better understand what the definition of physical fitness is, we can refer to the opinions of some experts. The following is the definition of physical fitness according to experts:
1. Muhajir
According to Muhajir, the notion of physical fitness is the ability of the body to adapt to various activities carried out without significant fatigue.
2. Sutarman
According to Sutarman, the notion of physical fitness is an aspect of physical and overall fitness (total fitness) that enables a person to be able to lead a productive life and can adjust to any reasonable physical stress or stress.
3. Sadoso Sumosardjono
According to Sadoso Sumosardjono, the notion of physical fitness or physical fitness is a person's ability to carry out daily tasks easily without being exhausted, and still have reserves of energy to enjoy leisure time and for sudden needs.
4. Djoko Pekik Irianto
According to Djoko Pekik, the notion of physical fitness is one's physical ability to be able to do daily work efficiently without causing excessive fatigue, so that one can still enjoy his free time.
5. Agus Muklholid, M.Pd
According to Agus Muklolid, M.Pd, the notion of physical fitness is one's ability to do activities or work, enhance work power, without experiencing excessive fatigue.
6. Rusli Lutan
According to Rusli Lutan, the notion of physical fitness is one's ability to carry out various physical activities that require flexibility, endurance, and strength.
7. Mochamad Sajoto and Judith Rink
According to Mochamad Sajoto and Judith Rink, the meaning of physical fitness is the ability of a person to complete daily work without experiencing excessive fatigue with energy expenditure large enough to meet his physical needs and enjoy leisure time to meet emergency needs.
8. Soedjatmo Soemowardoyo
According to Soedjatmo Soemowardoyo, the notion of physical fitness is the body's ability to adjust its bodily functions within the limits of physiology to the environment (altitude, humidity, etc.) and or physical work with sufficiently efficient without being overly tired.
Also read: Definition of Self-Concept
Components and Elements of Physical Fitness
1. Strength (Strength)
Understanding strength is the ability of muscles in the body to carry loads or do activities. Each individual has the ability to use their muscles to do activities.
Muscle strength can be increased by doing various physical exercises routinely and regularly. Some forms of physical exercise that can increase muscle strength include:
Sit up exercises, to strengthen the abdominal muscles
Push up exercises, to strengthen arm muscles
Squat jump exercises, to strengthen leg muscles and abdomen
Pull up exercises, to train shoulder and hand strength
2. Endurance (Endurance)
Understanding endurance is a person's ability to use organs, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc., effectively and efficiently. Endurance can also be trained and improved abilities.
However, endurance training is different from muscle training. Some exercises that can increase endurance include:
Walk healthy regularly
Run small regularly
Health gymnastics once a week
Swim to exercise lung strength
3. Muscular Power
Understanding muscle power is the ability and ability of muscles to produce maximum strength in a fast time. For example, the ability of a weightlifter to carry a load over a period of time.
The ability of muscle data can be improved, for example by exercising:
Vertical jump, to train leg muscle power
Front jump, to train the power of the calf muscles and legs
Side jump, to train the power of the thigh muscles and legs
4. Speed (Speed) Understanding speed is the ability of the body's muscles to make a movement in the shortest possible time. Generally speed is needed in certain sports fields, for example: Bike racing Swimming competition Sprint 5. Flexibility (Flexibility) The definition of flexural power is the ability of the human body to adapt to various movements that require stretching or flexibility. Fields of sports that require flexibility are gymnastics, swimming, yoga, ballet, and other sports. Here are some exercises to flex the body's muscles: Hip Flexor / Quad Stretch (to flex hip muscles, quads, and hamstrings) Bridge with Leg Reach (to flex the chest, abdomen, hips, glutes, and legs muscles) Seated Trunk Twist (to flex the back, stomach and oblique muscles) Foldover Stretch (to flex the neck, back, glutes, hamstring and calf muscles) Butterfly Stretch (to flex the neck muscles, back, glutes, hamstrings, thighs) Lower Back and glutes (to flex the upper, lower, and glutes back muscles) Swan Stretch (to flex the shoulder muscles, back, chest, abs, oblique, hip flexor) Reclining Pigeon (for flexing lower back muscles, hips, glutes, and hamstrings) Quadriceps (to flex the front and side muscles of the thigh) Standing Thigh Release (to flex the back muscles, abdomen, hips, glutes, and quads) 6. Agility (Agility) The definition of agility is the ability of the muscles of the body to make rapid movements in different positions, for example movements moving from left to right, from front to back. Agility is needed in several types of sports, for example badminton, soccer, tennis, etc. Some exercises that can increase agility are: Zigzag running exercises Sprint training up and down stairs Jumping practice quickly 7. Coordination The definition of coordination is the ability of the human body to integrate several fast movements effectively. One example of coordination is the movement to control the ball (juggling) where there is coordination between the movements of the head, shoulders, legs, and other limbs
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