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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Accustomed to Practicing Good Ideal Posture for the Spine

Accustomed to Practicing Good Ideal Posture for the Spine

This health information has been reviewed and edited by dr. Damar Upahita - General Physician Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in a new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window) Click to share share on new Line (Opens in a new window) Accustomed to Practicing Good Ideal Posture for the Spine Practicing good posture is an easy thing to do, but many also underestimate. In fact, getting used to good posture can help maintain the health of your back. So, how the heck, good posture? The benefit of getting used to doing good posture for bone health Posture is the position that you do, both when standing or when sitting or lying down. In fact, to get used to positioning your body well, you must train your body to stand, walk, sit, and lie down in the right way. According to an article published in the Cleveland Clinic, good posture can improve the body's ability to maintain healthy bones and joints. Specifically, good posture has the following positive effects.
Prevents back and muscle aches Prevent fatigue because muscles are used more efficiently, so the body does not drain too much energy. Prevents the spine from being in an abnormal position. Reduces tension in the ligaments in the spine. Helps prevent joint damage that can cause arthritis Getting used to practicing good posture can start from simple things. For example, when you do daily activities, try to continue to pay attention to the position of sitting and standing. Then, keep moving actively. You are also advised to do some exercise to be able to improve your ability to do a good posture. These sports include yoga, tai chi, or other sports that focus on establishing posture. Maintaining body weight to a normal size is also important because excess weight can weaken the muscles in the abdominal area and cause problems in the pelvis and spine. If left unchecked, you will have difficulty practicing good posture. Then, actually, how to practice good posture when standing and sitting? This is how to practice good posture To familiarize yourself, you must know in advance what kind of good posture. You can practice it when standing and sitting as a start. Good posture when standing To get good posture when standing, you can do the following things. Stand up straight and straight. Make sure your shoulders are not too advanced. At least, the position is parallel or almost behind the neck. Hold your stomach in. Focus your weight on your feet. Raise your head. Let your arms hang naturally on both sides of your body. Let your feet spread parallel to your shoulders. Maybe, in the beginning, practicing all of the above is not easy. However, by getting used to standing with good posture, over time everything will feel easier.
Good posture when lying down When you lie down, you still have to practice good posture, as follows. Make sure the pillow is under your head, not under the shoulder and you should also pay attention to the thickness of the pillow so that the head stays in its normal position. Try to sleep in a position that can maintain the shape of your back. For example, sleeping on your back with your knees supported by a pillow. You can also sleep sideways with your knees slightly bent. Avoid sleeping with your knees against your stomach because it can make your back hurt. If you can choose your own mattress, choose one that is strong and doesn't make it easy to change position while sleeping. A stronger and harder mattress will be better for your back health than one that is too soft. When you wake up, tilt your body first, then lift your knees. You can then lower both legs from one side of the mattress. Perform sit-up movements by pulling your hands so that you can help your body get up, and do not rely on the muscles in the waist area if you want to get up. Meanwhile, there are some things you can do to maintain good posture when sitting. Given that many students and workers currently spend time in front of a computer, the following tips may be suitable for people who spend most of their time in front of the screen.
Position the monitor parallel to your arm and the distance is no more than 2 inches between the screen and your eyes. Add some features to your desk, such as adding a place for your feet to rest, provide armrests and bring a back pillow. If you feel you have been sitting too long, use a table without chairs or a standing desk that you can use while standing. Choose a keyboard and mouse that makes you comfortable when using it while sitting. Don't forget to position the keyboard and mouse close together so you don't have to bother reaching for them. Go to the bathroom, take a drink in the pantry or take a short walk if you stand too long. This must be done if the bones and muscles have felt pain. Good posture when driving a car Although when driving your car also in a sitting position, there are some things that you should pay attention to in order to be able to drive safely while practicing good posture. Use a pillow to support your back. Position your knees parallel to or higher than your waist. Bring the chair closer to the steering wheel by adjusting the distance. That way, you will not sit in a curved position. Make sure your sitting position is close enough that you don't have to reach for the gas and brake pedals. Good posture when lifting weights Even if you don't do it often, you still need to know how to lift the right weight so you don't get a back injury. Jika Anda terpaksa harus mengangkat sebuah beban yang cukup berat, jangan memaksakan diri untuk mengangkat beban yang lebih berat dari 13 kilogram karena dapat berbahaya bagi punggung Anda. Sebelum mengangkat beban berat ini, pastikan posisi kaki Anda sudah stabil. Untuk mengangkat beban yang tingginya lebih rendah dari posisi pinggang Anda, pastikan punggung Anda dalam posisi yang lurus, lalu bertumpulah pada lutut dan pinggul Anda. Jangan bertumpu pada pinggang Anda. Berdirilah dengan posisi yang dekat dengan benda yang hendak Anda angkat. Posisikan kaki Anda kuat menjejak tanah. Kuatkan otot perut Anda dan angkat benda tersebut menggunakan otot kaki Anda. Jangan menyesakkan benda yang hendak Anda angkat ke dalam tubuh Anda. Jika Anda sudah siap mengangkatnya, angkat perlahan. Jika Anda mengangkat benda yang berasal dari atas meja, geser terlebih dahulu ke sisi meja hingga dekat dengan tubuh Anda. Hindari mengangkat benda yang posisinya lebih tinggi dari pinggang Anda. Untuk meletakkan benda, posisikan kembali kaki sama dengan saat Anda hendak mengangkatnya, kencangkan otot perut, dan posisikan kaki dan lutut Anda sedikit menekuk. Jika Anda sudah berada di posisi yang benar, selalu periksa kembali posisi Anda setiap 15 menit sekali. Jika Anda merasa atau melihat posisi Anda sudah berubah menjadi posisi yang kurang baik, benarkan posisi yang salah dan lanjutkan bekerja. Dengan begitu, Anda akan terbiasa duduk dengan postur tubuh yang baik. Orang yang belum terbiasa duduk dengan postur tubuh yang kurang baik bisa memperbaikinya seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Yang dibutuhkan adalah waktu, kesungguhan, dan komitmen untuk melakukannya, karena memperbaiki postur dari buruk ke yang baik bukan hal yang bisa dilakukan dengan cara instan.

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