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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Black or Bright Armpits Affect Indonesian Women's Confidence

akarta - You might think that armpits are a part of the body that doesn't really matter because it's usually covered in clothes. Therefore, when there is a problem in the armpit, #women choose to ignore it.

Yet when armpits are problematic, such as changing color to dark or blackish effect women's confidence. Recent research also proves that underarm conditions are very influential on the level of confidence.

"There are several factors that influence self-confidence and the most important factor is a self image, so if we have a good image of our body then we will have good self-confidence. This is what makes us have good self-esteem so that if we have good self-esteem, we will perform confidently, "said Tara de Thouars as a psychologist when met at the Rexona Dry Serum Launching event in Kasablanka City, Jakarta
Based on a survey conducted by Rexona and psychologist Tara de Thouars, the concept of self-confidence can grow because of the first two things because of caring for the body and secondly having a positive picture of yourself. Research conducted on 100 women in 10 major cities in Indonesia revealed, 52% of women feel confident when they take care of the body. Whereas 10% of women increase their self-confidence when they have a positive picture of themselves. And there are 38% of women who are confident when caring for the body while portraying themselves positively.
One of the results of self-care by this woman is having a bright armpit. And according to the survey, 98% of women in Indonesia feel that bright underarms are one of the factors that can affect their self-confidence.

"When you have a bright armpit it will help more PD with yourself and more PD to build relationships with others," said Tara de Thouars as a psychologist who conducted a survey with Rexona when found at the Rexona Dry Serum Launching event in Kasablanka City,
Data from the survey also said 69% of Indonesian women strongly agreed that bright armpits can enhance a positive picture of themselves and 48% of Indonesian women said that bright armpits can improve performance and interaction with others.

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